Today, I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse, and trust me, you can't handle the truth. We are going to begin movie nights at Dom4824, and first up: The Princess Bride! It is about a kid who is sick at home, and his grandfather arrives to read him a story about a farmboy-turned-pirate who encounters numerous obstacles, enemies and allies in his quest to be reunited with his true love. Romance? check. Comedy? check. Realizing you have lived your whole life without seeing this masterpiece but now you have so everything is right in the world? Also check. The film will be shown in English with either English or Ukrainian subtitles and there will be a discussion for anyone who is interested after the film. Everyone is invited to join, so come in comfortable clothing with the snacks of your choosing (please no alcohol), and buckle up, because it's going to be a bumpy night!
Наші спецпроекти5
Movie Night with Lia