Hey buddy!
Looking for a new acquaintance and want to socialize? Want to improve your English and learn new interesting stories from others? Are you curious to hear something new about cultural globalization and stereotypes ? Then this event is for you!
September 19th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm (check-in of participants from 5:30 pm)
Promprylad.Renovation Conference Room (23 Academic Sakharov Street, 3rd Floor).
For whom ?
The initiative will be open to residents from different countries who are interested in the topic of intercultural dialogue, cultural globalization (assimilation of world cultures) and want to increase their level of English.
About ten thousand foreigners live in Ivano-Frankivsk and only a small number of them are socially active outside their national groups. We want to break down the barriers between these gruops and local dwellers by making them both more open to communication.

You will have an opportunity of:
• a workshop on cultural globalization
• A lecture on The Paradigm of Cultural Globalization by Yale University economist and a US Peace Corps volunteer Eric Fein
• practicing English with native speakers
• Increasing knowledge of inter-ethnic cultural diversity
• the destruction of stereotypes
• warm and casual atmosphere
• networking and interactive games
• New acquaintance and fantastic stories
Do you want to be a part of our initiative?
Then quickly fill out the form by 18.09.19. Here is the link -https://forms.gle/g2aWU3bu14KagMy19
Attendance is limited so register now! . Participation in the project is free.

Any questions ?
Seats are limited for this FREE event, so ACT NOW!
Victoria (066 350 7612, [email protected])
Project Coordinator: Vlad Avr
(050 213 2180; [email protected])

The Ucity2 initiative has been founded by a group of active citizens within the Diversity Ambassadors project in the Carpathian region, implemented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Youth Organization.


Привіт, друже!
Шукаєш нові знайомства та бажаєш соціалізуватися? Хочеш покращати рівень своєї англійської мови та дізнатись нові цікаві історії від інших? Може тобі цікаво почути щось нове на тему стереотипів та культурної глобалізації? Тоді ця подія саме для тебе!
19 вересня з 18:00 по 21:00 (реєстрація учасниць та учасників із 17:30)