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  • Через утиски в медуніверситеті Івано-Франківська іноземний студент ледь не вчинив самогубство
18:04, 15 січня 2014 р.

Через утиски в медуніверситеті Івано-Франківська іноземний студент ледь не вчинив самогубство

У повідомленні, написаному англійською мовою йдеться про утиски, які відчувають на собі впродовж тривалого часу індійські студенти під час навчання та проходження практики.

На завершення повідомлення йдеться мова про те, що сьогодні група студентів проведе зустріч з деканом університету з приводу цієї проблеми:

Respected Sir We are writing you this all information on behalf of all Inian students studying in Ivano Frankivsk national Medical University. With due respect I want to inform the condition about the indian students who are studying in ‘IVANO FRANKIVSK NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY’. 1. From Last 3 years we Indian students are suffering for mental harassment from dean. 2. Dean doesn’t know English and don’t want to listen to our problems. If we try to explain he threatens us to call police. 3. If we go to rector he says go and talk to the Foreign Students Dean and he don’t want to listen us. 4. Every year Indian Students are getting expelled and if we want to solve some problems, then dean threatens us and it is causing mental harassment to the students. 5. And Finally Because of these reasons one guy was trying for suicide and the reasons was that he tried to talk and solve his problems but he didn’t tried to listen and further said that he will call police. 6. Shameful problem is that when the student is going to the polyclinic, the Doctor says to go and learn how to talk in Ukrainian, and then I will write a prescription for you. 7. Even Dean denies to refund the tuition fees which is paid for the next semester. 8. And after expulsion of the students, Firstly Dean says to give NOC(No Objection Certificate) to the student so that he can take transfer to another university, but he denies in the last moment and because of this student is not able to take any admission and finally he has to lose his whole year and go back to india and follow the same admission process again. 9. This time again they did partiality with the student ,when he gave second attempt for the module, he was allowed to give the exam out of 70 marks but the maximum mark was 80 marks.They do this purposely from last 3 years. We are hoping for your quick response. and contact us as soon as possible . today we all indian students will get together in Foriegn department (3rd floor ) central builing . i hope you will come there at 4 oclock.

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